Tensorflow 2 Feature Columns and Keras

tensorflow 2.0 was just recently introduced and one of the most anticipated features, in my opinion, was the revamping its feature columns. Last July I published a blog post which was enthusiastic about the idea of tensorflow's feature columns but disappointed by the actual implementation. Mainly because they weren’t compatible with keras even though tensorflow had already adopted the keras API.

Fortunately the implementation I posted about last July is, well, so last year, and tensorflow 2.0 introduces some considerable improvements.

In this post we’ll demonstrate how to use the new feature columns with keras Sequential and functional APIs.

Feature Columns and the Sequential API

Working with tensorflow feature columns and the Sequential API is pretty straightforward. The official documentation contains some easy to follow examples. Below we’ll basically recreate an example from the documentation, however we will demonstrate how to work the example with pandas instead of tensorflow DataSets.

The basic workflow is simple

  • Create a feature column for each feature you want to train on.
  • Use keras.layers.DenseFeatures to wrap the feature columns together.
  • Include the DenseFeatures object as the first layer in the Sequential model.

In code this amounts to

import tensorflow.feature_columns as fc

feature_price = fc.numeric_column('price'),  # same name as column in `df`
feature_product = fc.embedding_column(
        'product_id', df.product_id.unique()

feature_layer = tf.keras.layers.DenseFeatures([feature_price, feature_product])
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
    Dense(32, activation='relu'),
    Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')

# use `pandas.DataFrame.to_dict('series')` to get a dictionary of feature names
# to values as input to training and predicting.
model.fit(df.to_dict('series'), ...)


Yes, handling categorical columns can be a little awkward. It takes at least two function calls and five underscores to create an embedding column. tensorflow has never been afraid of verbosity.

Another implementation detail worth pointing out is that DenseFeatures layers won’t infer shapes until they have a) been called with a keras Input layer or actual data (i.e. at model.fit). This means that in the example above model.summary() would raise an Exception if called before model.fit() (because the layer has not been built yet). This will come up again when we look at the functional API but it’s probably worth noting now since it’s likely surprising behavior for users who are familiar with the standard keras implementation.

Feature Columns and the keras functional API

If you are reading this section I’m going to assume that you are already familiar with keras functional API.

The key to understanding how to use feature columns with the functional API boils down to this: the object created by

DenseFeature([<feature columns here>])

is exactly analogous to

Dense(32, ...)

This means that you must call all DenseFeature objects on a Tensor object before connecting them to other layers in your model.

For example this code

feature_layer = DenseFeature([<feature columns here>])
dense_layer = Dense(32)(feature_layer)

will raise an Exception. However,

feature_layer = DenseFeature([<feature columns here>])(feature_inputs)
dense_layer = Dense(32)(feature_layer)

will not, where feature_inputs is a dictionary of feature names to keras.layers.Inputs.

Concrete example

Let’s implement a simplified version Kaggle’s Web Traffic competition’s winning solution as a concrete example. You can find the full working example in a Jupyter notebook here on my GitHub.

The idea is to build an LSTM whose input vectors are concatenations of

  • A one hot encoding representing the type of agent for a web page visit (e.g. spider)
  • A one hot encoding representing the type of access for a web page visit (e.g. desktop)
  • An embedding representing the wikipedia project visited
  • Log of total page visits at that time step

For this exercise we’ll limit the number of time steps input to the LSTM to a fixed window of 30 days.

Let’s start with the categorical columns, first we need to create the feature columns and corresponding feature layer.

static_feature_columns = [
            'agent', X.agent.unique())),
            'access', X.access.unique())),
            'project', X.project.unique()), 3),

static_layer = tf.keras.layers.DenseFeatures(static_feature_columns)

Now we need to create Input layers connect static_layer to them to get a tensor we can connect to future layers in the model.

static_feature_inputs = {
    'agent': tf.keras.Input((1,), dtype=tf.dtypes.string, name='agent'),
    'access': tf.keras.Input((1,), dtype=tf.dtypes.string, name='access'),
    'project': tf.keras.Input((1,), dtype=tf.dtypes.string, name='project'),

static_inputs = static_layer(static_feature_inputs)

We’ll do the same for each of the 30 timesteps, creating one numeric_column per timestep. Note that there may be a cleaner way to do this but it sets us up for a good example of how to concatenate these features later.

pageview_feature_columns = [
        f'pageviews_{i}', normalizer_fn=tf.math.log1p)
    for i in range(30)]

pageview_input_layers = [
    tf.keras.Input((1,), name=f'pageviews_{i}')
    for i in range(30)

Finally, concatenate the “static” features alongside the timesteps to get the sequence input for the LSTM.

sequences = [tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()([static_inputs, L]) for L in pageview_layers]

The rest of the model-building code is typical keras code I assume the reader is familiar with

concat = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()
reshape = tf.keras.layers.Reshape((-1, 30))
lstm_input = reshape(concat(sequences))
lstm = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(512)(lstm_input)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(lstm)

Similarly, instantiating the model also follows the typical functional API patterns. Pass all of the inputs and outputs to keras.models.Model.

inputs = list(static_feature_inputs.values()) + pageview_input_layers
model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=output)

Model training is now exactly the same as described during the section on the Sequential API.


Unlike my earlier post on tensorflow feature columns I’m more optimistic about the current implementation. tensorflow2 contains substantial improvements over the version 1 implementation, mainly, in my opinion, plug-and-playability with keras.

As of the time of this writing (Oct. 24, 2019) here’s the full list of pros and cons as I see them


  1. Plug and play with keras.
  2. Works nicely with data-frame like data sets, such as pandas.
  3. Couples feature transformations with the model object, eliminating the need for multiple objects or pipelines at runtime (e.g. a Transformer and Predictor).
  4. Supports a broad range of typical categorical feature transformations.
  5. Removes some boiler plate code - no need to concatenate multiple embedding layers for example.


  1. Can’t access learned embeddings, one-hot-encodings, etc. (at least if you can it’s not well documented yet).
  2. len('categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list'.split('_')) == 5
  3. The documentation seems to still be a work in progress. For example, official feature columns are documented but are only compatible with experimental features.
  4. Sequential feature columns are not yet supported, although they look like they are under development.
  5. Leaves some boiler plate that could likely be refactored out. For example

    • It’s not hard to imagine the two function calls to create a one-hot encoding feature column being only one call.
    • Or, perhaps, a single function call could create an create Input and Embedding layer and return the corresponding tensor connecting the two. This suggestion may have its own drawbacks, and perhaps this is why feature columns were not implemented this way, but it could offer an even more user friendly interface - especially since we currently have to specify the shape and data type when creating the Input layers.
Written on October 24, 2019
Find the source for this post on GitHub

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